Resume Samples

Interesting Interpreter Resume Example + Extra Tips

interpreter during a meeting

An interpreter helps their clients by converting spoken information from one language to another. This includes interpreting sign language. They may be fluent in many languages or just two. 

At any rate, you are highly sought after, because you are capable of providing them with real-time information in a variety of situations — during business meetings, official receptions, or governmental events. 

Of course, you deserve a great job and compensation for your talents. We’re here to help you achieve that. We’ve included an interpreter resume example along with some helpful writing tips.

Interpreter Resume Sample (Word version)

Here is a great resume sample for a multi-language interpreter, specializing in the medical industry. 

resume example for an interpreter

Download resume example (.docx)

Interpreter Resume Example (text version)

Professional Summary

Medical interpreter with a reputation for accuracy and efficiency. Spoken languages include Spanish (Native), Tagalog (Native), Portuguese (C1), and French (C1). Also proficient in medical and insurance terminology. Interested in pursuing a position as a patient interpreter at a top-rated hospital or medical center in the greater Atlanta area.

Work History

Atlanta Regional Medical Center
Patient Interpreter
January 2018 – Present

Currently serving as an interpreter in City’s busiest emergency room, providing both in-person and virtual interpretation services for patients speaking Spanish, Portuguese, Tagalog, and French. Also provided services as needed in labor and delivery, and PICU. Helped improve patient healthcare outcomes, assisted care providers in overcoming language barriers. Assured that services were delivered in an empathetic, culturally sensitive manner. Rated excellent for accuracy and efficiency.

Savannah Community Center
Junior Assistant Interpreter
September 2015 – December 2017 

Worked as a full-time Spanish and Tagalog interpreter at the local community center. Primarily translated for undocumented emigrants and low-income populations, seeking access to insurance and medical services. Provided ongoing education about available governmental programs and non-profit aid groups, who could help the local residents gain access to essential healthcare services they need. Was named as “Employee of the Month” twice. 


University of Georgia
Bachelor of Science in Linguistics and Interpretive Studies
August 2015
Summa Cum Laude

Completed the required coursework to obtain a degree with honors. Additionally, satisfactorily met all requirements to be certified as fluent in four foreign languages.

  • Treasurer – Association of Student Interpreters and Translators
  • National Certifying Body of Translators and Interpreters

CMI Certifications

CMI – Spanish
CMI – French
CMI – Tagalog
CMI- Portuguese

Atlanta High School North
High School Diploma
June 2013


  • Language Fluency
  • Medical and Insurance Terminology
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Communication
  • Memory
  • Real-Time Interpretation
  • Active Listening
  • Cultural Understanding
  • Audio and Video Setup
  • Interprify 2000 Software
  • Time Management

Hobbies and Interests

Interpretive Services Volunteer – Georgia Center for Justice in Immigration
Cheerleading Coach
4-H Leader

Resume Writing Tips for Interpreters 

If you want the best chance of getting called for an interview, pay attention to detail and ensure your resume is just a bit better than the competition. These tips will help you achieve that goal.

Be Selective About Your Work Experience

You don’t have to include every bit of work experience in your resume. With a professional resume, it is best to stick with only your relevant work experience. Of course, there are exceptions to this. If you don’t have much experience, then it’s okay to include any professional history that you do have. If possible, try to emphasize skills that apply to many jobs such as communications and time management.

Don’t Get Too Wordy

The standard resume length is one page. That’s not much room, so it helps to be concise. Avoid lengthy sentences, and try to say things in as few words as possible. It’s OK to use “chopped” sentences starting straight from a strong verb to describe your work experiences. 

To get a better sense of this writing tone, check other resume examples on our website. 

Make Your Resume Easy to Read

Imagine having to read dozens of resumes each day. That’s often what HR staff members and hiring managers do. Make their jobs easier, and increase the chances of your resume being read, by making things as readable as possible. 

  • Use a font without serifs
  • Choose blue or black font color
  • Add plenty of space, and use subheadings. 
  • Make points stand out with bullets. 

By doing this, you’ll also make your resume easy to scan.

Avoid Industry Jargon

Remember that the person who reads your resume may not be an expert interpreter. They won’t necessarily understand industry terminology. Instead, write things in simple terms. Imagine that you are explaining what you do to someone who is completely inexperienced. That will help you determine how to word your resume.

Use Keywords

Keywords are standout words and phrases that people use that are relevant to the job you are seeking. You can pick them out from reading the original job description. 

keywords in a job description

Final Thoughts: Be Careful About Trends or Being “Cute”

Every so often, resume trends emerge. People begin to substitute video resumes for traditional paper resumes or create detailed infographics. Stories go viral about some lucky person landing a job because they submitted an original song or delivered a resume inside of a box of donuts.

These are enjoyable stories, but please be careful about taking these cute or creative options. The same goes for making up frilly descriptions for ordinary duties. For example, don’t write that you were the global sanitation guru if you worked as a janitor. The truth is that for every one of these “clever” resumes that is successful, there are dozens that aren’t.


  • Elena Prokopets

    Elena runs content operations at Freesumes since 2017. She works closely with copywriters, designers, and invited career experts to ensure that all content meets our highest editorial standards. Up to date, she wrote over 400 career-related pieces around resume writing, career advice... more

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